Friday, May 29, 2009

Sixth Month's Birthday.

Yes, as usual, I'm blogging about something that happened nearly a month ago. I get so lazy when I need to organise so many pictures in one post. I've saved this in draft mode for like, 2 weeks now *paiseh*

2nd May 2009

June shouted us dinner at Ibuki, only because Langham Hotel's buffet was fully-booked over that weekend. Oh well, Ibuki was a good experience.
One of the smoothest chawanmushi I've ever tasted. I wonder how they make it so smooth? Ming didn't want his, so I had TWO. Heh.
Something like Japanese pizza?Oysters (Mmm, I'm craving for fresh ones now!)Huge sashimi boat.
Close up of the sashimi, arranged into a rose.Can you see the amount of sashimis surrounding the lobster?
Group pic (minus Philix).
Everyone's digging in.
We finished the sashimi boat finally!
Baked scallops.
Dessert. I'd prefer green tea or sesame ice cream though.
Why am I the only one looking at the wrong camera??? =.=
Papa's gift to her.
Birthday girl's yearly cake pose.
Burberry Pink & Cream cashmere scarf - our gift to her :)
Outside Ibuki.Me. Steph. Janice.Nothing better to do but take pics over and over again with her.
Like I said before :/Not sure why I kept on holding the cake.I like this one - kinda reminds me of SATC style.
Maggie. Shwee. Me. June. Janice. And Papa's head popping up at the back.
The belles of the night.
Favourite photo of the night! Esp after June edited the color :) Looks so candid, but wasn't.

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